single show screening 1, LKH Kirchdorf a.d.Krems
group show NATUR-MENSCH, St. Andreasberg (D)
group show Fiber Celebrated, Durango Arts Center (USA)
group show Déjà-vu, KunstQuartier Wien
single show matter of opinion part II, Kulturverein fönfrisur, Graz
single show matter of opinion, Galerie gimmick Linz
group show Made in Upper Austria, Nordico, Museum der Stadt Linz
group show text[lat. „gewebe“], Hofburg Innsbruck, Tirol
art + space: 2. level, competition Unterflurtrasse Kirchham, Salzburg
Republican´s trick
republicans-trick 2003 Gilet with dynamite as a clothing proposal for amiericas men who negotiate with the Irak. It has a tiny extra tool, an audioplayer that plays George W. Bushs citation „we`reRead More…
Hennebergian blood
ennebergian blood _takeaway-art_ 2002 Installation at single show „retreat/attac“ charge of 500 pieces The installation is a hommage to the last remaining monarch family – the Henneberger. They died out 1583. SurprisinglyRead More…
what you ever… – Installation
what you ever.. Installation at single show „retreat/attac“ 2002 As we are used from italian tourist features the audience had to put in a 20 cent coin, the room get lightened andRead More…
hörduden narration in foreign words 2001 AudioCD 5 min 57 sec group show Kunst:Erzählung (art:narration), Landesmuseum Linz 2001 Foreign words and their explanation and interpretation taken out of a germanRead More…