single show UNTER LINIE _ENERGIE (UNDER LINE_ENERGY), Raiffeisen Landesgalerie Graz
art and space: ..drauss vom Walde.., Gemeindezentrum Thannhausen
„out of the woods…“ community Tannhausen
„out of the wood…“ 8 panels, digital print each 280 x 100 cm 2009
group show textil bewegt (textile moves), Hypogallery Romanic Cellar, Salzburg
art and space: company IEMA Weißkirchen
IEMA Automationstechnik
IEMA Automationstechnik digital prints on synthetics IEMA Automationstechnik Weißkirchen OÖ 2008
art and space: Volksbank Zentrale, Salzburg
single show synchron – SCHWIMMSPORTPRAXIS FÜR ANFÄNGER (synchronous, swimming exercises for beginner´s), Bad zur Sonne, Graz
google´s watching you – Volksbank Zentrale Salzburg
google´s watching you – Volksbank Zentrale Salzburg 9 screenprints on TreviraCS 2007
synchronous – swimming exercises for beginner´s
synchronous – swimming exercises for beginner´s single show, Bad zur Sonne, Graz 2007 the artist presents: instructions for high diving: LUFT the artist presents: the 8 easiest figures for 8 synchronised swimmers