AB IN DIE BOTANIK, 2021 Exhibition contribution to „Das Wesen Pflanze in der Zukunft“ / ‘the being plant in the future’ K3, Pischelsdorf Installation with 121 flags, each 32 x 32 cmscreenprint on linen clothRead More…
AB IN DIE BOTANIK, 2021 Exhibition contribution to „Das Wesen Pflanze in der Zukunft“ / ‘the being plant in the future’ K3, Pischelsdorf Installation with 121 flags, each 32 x 32 cmscreenprint on linen clothRead More…
Performance WASSERMANNKONTAKTAUFNAHME im Zuge des Rostfest beim Wassermannloch/Schwarze Lacke in Eisenerz; gemeinsam mit Claudia Czimek und Birgit Schwamberger21.08.2021, 14:00 – 16:00 Uhr https://rostfest.at/artist/exkursion-wassermannloch-performance/ www.derstandard.at/story/2000128983349/rostfest-in-eisenerz-der-wassermann-im-tiefen-loch Audio zur Performance
#aufgeputzt/spruced up, 2019Symposion Bergschmiede EisenerzArtworks: #aufpoliert, #putzhadern, #chefinnenhocker, #gastschmiedinnenschürzeInstallations at Bergschmiede Eisenerz The series of works #aufgeputzt created during the ERZ I BERG I SCHMIEDE symposium includes several pieces that address genderRead More…
30.06.-13.07.2019 – Forge on Erzberg partizipants: Josef Baier | Michael Blank | Christoph Cech | Helga Chibidziura | Claudia Czimek | Sandra Fahrsbacher | Gudrun Franzl | Daniel Fuchsberger | Sander HaugasRead More…
Installation 50 Chairs for MUMUTH, 2017 Lounge of MUMUTH, Art University Graz 50 wooden chairs, lacquered, upholstered, printed art in space – first place in limited competition In the lounge of MUMUTH,Read More…
Installation DAHAM Tapestry, Linnen + Cotton, ca. 150 x 600 cm, 2017 DAHAM is an austrian dialect word for at home. At first DAHAM is a hommage to my grandparents who grewRead More…
best breakfast, Installationtable, chair, toaster, toast, butter, cutting board, butter knife, 2017 Hommage to my grandparents who offered us kids the luxury of white toast and non moldy butter in the 1980ies.
Helga`s Sachet THE aroma experience for after or in between! For a good smell in your handbag, as a wonderpad in your car or – next to your mobile, keys and lighter –Read More…